Year Anthem
you put the storm out
By now, everyone knows that Black Rock City got muddy.
2 Downpours brought the city to a standstill for several days
building up to some confusion by the end of the week.
Fortunately or not, I wasn’t this year in the city
planning for 2024 eager to catch up with the vibrancy
of this ever-changing-still-quite-the-same temporary city.
Now - The Future is MOOP
The rise and fall of Black Rock City depend
on the respect of the simple civic act of
LEAVE NO TRACE - ruts or trash - Matter Out Of Place.
Pack it in - Pack it out
Please !
To prepare for next year look at the 2022 MOOP
restauration maps and read the specs needed
for the BRC permit renewal on the page made by
Dominic “DA” Tinio environmental restoration manager
head of the Restauration Crew.
The maps show in detail the different states
of cleanliness of streets and camps.
Everyone has in hands the responsibility of BRC future
Your / Mine / Our City
This chopper view of inside and outside BRC
sums up the muddy condition and shows the ordeal
vets and newbies went through while leaving the city
In the desert 24 hours make all the difference
for a slower but safer Monday afternoon Exodus
superbly filmed by Elevated Perception

If you still want to explore or run into neighbors at BRC
pick your year :
BRC 23 in great detail
Dive in this outstanding aerial shot taken Thursday 31st
made of 600 images stitched together
the splendid feats and creativeness
of the artists, builders and makers
that build this city for us
As important, from 38' to 48' it presents
solutions to the perennial energy demand
in the city
Created by Dr. Ryan Wartena,
and Andy Moore
their 20' container delivers up to 30 kW of solar power
This élégant and powerful system
should be considered by Large-Scale Camp leads
to aggregate resources in heavy consumption areas.
It's here now, it's up to you.
Solar micro grid is key to the city.
de facto :
Golden Rebar 22-23 for Power in Container
- Intermission
Do it @ home like JP in his Staycation tips for BM
Follow #4
#6 on the fence
Don't do #7
- Back to Playa things
Mud Fashion Burning Man 2023 by @hella.shelly
Reddit grab : The Burning Man Menu by Blond-Alien
Channel Burning Man Project Videos
We are back to what binds us with dust or mud,
THE PLAYA - the ground and its resources.
The future of the city is in the midst of Lithium interest
just North of Black Rock Desert and Geothermal use
few hundreds yards off Gerlach.
Gerlach Project : Cons (data and maps) and Pros
leave a trace ! brc(at)philippeglade.com
You’ll appreciate Magidomes. Check out Magidome!
thanks for the link, pretty interesting Van Brink - Lerner Dome re-imagined with great connectors.
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