Black Rock Desert with one car

Old Razorback Mountain
on the left before Selenite Range
The town of Gerlach before Fox Range
is top right near the railroad

BRC 19
80 000 participants

The Playa


Larry, mon ami, our friend Louis Brill joined you recently
Black Rock City 2019 hosted once again
a magnificent Burning Man event
This year theme "Metamorphosis" brought a record number
of art installations and mutant vehicles reaching
new levels of participation, creation and construction skills
One wondered at the beauty of the Man base,
the audacity of the Temple of Direction,
the whimsical world and structural integrity of The Folly,
the massive effort put into The Head Maze,
the sturdy carpentry of Mega Cake,
the dangerous-but-not-too-dangerous elegant Stone 27
and the hundreds of other art interventions
The 2019 entry has around 300 images
spread over two pages,
this page with The Golden Rebar Awards and Camps,
followed by page 2 with art installations, mutants and participants
For a slideshow with higher resolution
double-click the images
Member of the Burning Man Documentation Team
and burner for 23 years
I focus on the habitat and the architectural solutions
developed to live in harmony with the Burning Man Principles
This blog was created to inspire and grow
a community of like-minded participants building a functioning city
in an inhospitable environment while having fun, mostly
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2006-1996
Due to the ever-changing nature of the city and its density,
it is impossible to explore every nook of each block,
if your groundbreaking design is not featured here,
I will stop by next year
it takes a city

leave a trace:
mira room light desert weird weirder heal
Due to the ever-changing nature of the city and its density,
it is impossible to explore every nook of each block,
if your groundbreaking design is not featured here,
I will stop by next year
it takes a city

leave a trace:
mira room light desert weird weirder heal
The Golden Rebar Award recognizes the value of
creativity and participation as the fabric of Black Rock City
It showcases builders and makers coming up
with innovative shelters or just clever upgrades
shared with the community
as well as humorous and imaginative
camps randomly entertaining and beautifying
the streets of the city with a smile
creativity and participation as the fabric of Black Rock City
It showcases builders and makers coming up
with innovative shelters or just clever upgrades
shared with the community
as well as humorous and imaginative
camps randomly entertaining and beautifying
the streets of the city with a smile
Golden Rebar for Form Follows Function
Steam of Life Pavilion

The teams of JKMM architects and Sauna on Fire
wanted to bring the healthy experience of the sauna,
a mainstay of the Finnish lifestyle
The hollow round shape was chosen to create
an intimate courtyard, a shaded atrium, where participants
could take their cloths off and relax after the steam room
For ease of transportation, reusability and construction,
the number of wooden components was minimized
to 3 lengths of slats stacked up on long rebars for stability

construction timelapse

The passageway toward the steam room
with a sound installation by Atte Olsonen
creating a soothing soundscape,
a bubble away from the playa noise

The Kiuas, sauna stove, heated 1100 pounds (500kg)
of Finnish stones on which water
was thrown liberating the steam, Löyly
Golden Rebar for Intent Precedes Design
Fireside Circle

Fireside Circle designed by Dominic "D.A." Tinio
build by DPW with Joe the Builder
Dominic's goal was to provide a reusable gathering place
around a fire without MOOPing the playa.
Head of the Restoration Team, he knew he had to come up
with a simple, sturdy, user-friendly and stackable design.
There are countless love and friendship stories
born out of these concret shapes
build by DPW with Joe the Builder
Dominic's goal was to provide a reusable gathering place
around a fire without MOOPing the playa.
Head of the Restoration Team, he knew he had to come up
with a simple, sturdy, user-friendly and stackable design.
There are countless love and friendship stories
born out of these concret shapes
Golden Rebar for Modular Building
Hotel California Camp
This multi-story structure uses the famous node
patented by Gregg Fleishman
modified by Scott Mahoney for the Lost Hotel Camp (2014)
and recently fine-tuned by Matthias Wagner
A must-read for anyone looking
for a dust-free off-grid solar system
Communal space

This design is slowly spreading across the city
with the large Ideate Camp
using it for its communal space

Ideate Camp at sunset
Golden Rebar for Neighborhood Spirit
Golden Guy Alley

Graham Linn owner of the Scottish Pickle and Eggs bar
A gem tucked away deep in the city
between two streets, known only by neighbors
and now with this blog by seven more,
Golden Guy Alley is a series of micro bars
modeled after the Golden Gai district
in the Shinjuku area of Tokyo
The camp rapid growth from 4 bars last year to 25 now
crowns the initial idea that participation thrives in
immediacy and proximity mixed with a good sense of humor
hosted and bartended by connoisseurs

Golden Guy Alley with Gecko Rum Bar
facing Tim’s Topsy Tavern and Micrarium

Golden Guy Alley with White Dragon Noodle Bar

Golden Guy Alley with
The Spa at Lake Lahontan and Black Rock City Lights
Golden Rebar for Chilliest Spot
A nondescript semi-trailer with participants
lining up to get inside is always intriguing
Passed an airlock you enter the Endurance,
the sunken ship of the
Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914-1917)
led by Sir Ernest Shackleton,
that beset in the ice before reaching
the South Pole drift for months and sunk
In this desert iteration the atmosphere
was more festive thanks to DJ Anycha
who kept the barely clothed explorers bouncing
in a relatively warm temperature of 40°F = 4°C for Antartica
Daryl Henderson aka DJ Anycha
at the Shackleton Camp
in (almost) polar conditions
Tie Golden Rebar for Water Solutions
Water Temple Camp

Water Temple Camp misting and hand washing area
The water temple had a communal misting space,
not uncommon on the playa but also real sinks
with faucets and running water
Water Temple Camp plumbing
was fairly elaborate and dependable

Water Temple Camp
gray water storage and evaporation system
The evaporation pond eliminates 100gal/day
Tie Golden Rebar for Water Solutions
Brainy Bar Camp

Water wheel evaporator
With such a name Brainy Bar Camp had to reinvent the wheel
and makes it evaporate 120gal/day on a tiny area
in a camp with several dozen participants
Tie Golden Rebar for Water Solutions
The Unknown Camp

in this camp shaded by a broken-down instant canopy
a lovely couple uses a basin to catch
the shower water and dips in the
the blue huck towels (for operating room)
that are clipped to the cloth hanger to dry
Cheap - Easy - Reliable
A must read about Gray water
for big or small camps
Golden Rebar for Hexa Melioration
Camp Dusty Frogz

In the prolific hexayurt family, every year brings a novelty.
The French designers of the camp aptly named Dusty Frogz
eschewing the hinged door that stresses the non-structural
insulation boards, came up with a sliding door,
offering ample elbow room while being surprisingly dust-proof.
Golden Rebar for Ad Modification
Decommodified rental at Camp Déjà View

Decommodified rental at Camp Déjà View
Golden Rebar for
Please Keep Burning Man Weird Again
Please Keep Burning Man Weird Again
Kegel Kommandos Camp

Kegel Kommandos Camp
with Black Rock City's
(and probably of the world)
tallest horizontal climbing wall
Golden Rebar for Booming and Lifting the City
The HEaT

Heavy Equipment and Transportation Camp
Without the hard work of these guys
there is no big art installations nor city
A city to explore
Exceptional Gigapan
aerial view of the city
Jamen Percy

Comfort and Joy Camp

Camp Flamingo

Camp with garden and pink Flamingos

Lanterns at 50 Shades of Spam Camp

Kaleidoscope Collective Camp installation

Loveland Camp

Loveland Camp canopy

Pink Heart Camp inside

The Red Bar Camp

inside the Red Bar

The Twilight Zone Camp

Larry's Lounge and Library container

Larry's Lounge and Library inside

Larry's Lounge stage

Temple UV Enlightenment at 3:00@G plaza

Destiny Lounge 3D at night with blacklight

Camp Destiny Lounge 3D

Star Star Roadhouse Camp

Camp Star Star Roadhouse trusses

Camp Star Star Roadhouse
Camp Club Bambooze
made with bamboos grown in the camp's designer
made with bamboos grown in the camp's designer
notice the hexayurts tips protected with a wood cone
Monks of Funk Camp
Camp Dusty Mermaid
DISTRIKT with aerialist
and Star Star Roadhouse Camp
Camp Root Society Cathedral dancefloor
Pillar of the Root Society Cathedral
Camp Contraptionist
The Lookout Camp scaffolding with living spaces
Camp Questionmark )?(
Tipis of Camp One Tribe
Kazbah tower and PlayAlchimist pyramids
Metal Pod Camp by Scott Parenteau
Inflatable shelter
Camp RX Osmos pavilion
Happy camper bouncing off the floor
inside the Osmos pavilion at RX camp
Camp RX Osmos pavilion parachute on top
Camp with parachute part of Gifter's Brainiac camp
Camp of the Folly builders
there, I met Dave Keane
Each cone signals and protects a paracord
Camp with parachute shade
The Pineapple Motel camp with mutant
The Airpusher passing by Dusty Frogz Camp
with misting Eiffel Tower
Deco Fish Twin #1 and #2
by Sean Orlando and engineered-artworks
at Star Star Roadhouse camp
The Mary Ellen Carter (ex The Island)
mutant vehicle at the 3 Mile Rock Camp
Giving Tree Mutant Vehicle at camp
Cosmic Conversation Mutant Vehicle
by Halliday Dresser at Amberland Camp
Pam's Parlor Camp
Quad-decker mutant at Camp Tetris
Yurt frame
Tiny houses made of Plywood panels
Tiny House on wheels
Gypsy wagon trailer
Gypsy wagon trailer with the owner
Perennial gypsy wagon trailer
Hermtt the HEMTT
Oshkosh M978 HEMTT
Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck
with toy hauler
8x8 expedition vehicle
18 tons empty4mpg
Volvo C303 Military TGB11
of Phil Raymond
of Phil Raymond
at Dome Sweet Dome Camp
Old school RV's
Row of RV's covered with red fabric
Lipstick on a pig
Well protected RV
Ghetto bike trailer at the Art Car Camp
Camp with Airstream trailers
Tiny Airstream trailer
Airstream trailer facing Old Razorback Mountain
only a cowboy could enjoy such a great panorama
Burnstream Point Lighthouse mutant vehicle
by Bruce Reuser
by Bruce Reuser
at Burnstream Court Camp
from post-impressionism
to post-modernism
Shapes of protection
Camp Cingulata Evergreen
Camp Node Republik
Camp Saga with burlap shade
Camp Saga underneath the burlap shade
Camp Saga artistic structure
Prefab shelters of The Last Camp
Camp Dumb Luck carports
Entrance to walk-in camping towards Old Razorback Mountain
Tipi in walk-in camping with Old Razorback Mountain
Shiftpod in the walk-in with Old Razorback Mountain
The Oasis Camp
The Oasis Camp impressive stakes system
Camp with camouflage net
Camp Tazii with caïdal tent
Tahoe Gear Blackhorn cone tents
Camp One Tribe with connected tipis
Camp One Tribe inside the connected tipis
Lotus Belle Mahal Tent
The minimalist Camp X of Tristan Savatier
T.B.C. Camp
Camp Tiki Bar and Hammocks tensegrity structure
Shade cloth
Camp with stretch fabric
Church of Now Camp
Church of Now Camp under the canopy
Camp Take it Easy main shade
made of 4 tensegrity structures
made of 4 tensegrity structures
Tents underneath the green canopy of Camp Dusty Frogz
Camp No Boundaries
"Voted Best Camp" Camp with roller coaster
besides the Big Imagination Camp's 747 art car
cryptic transition
Trump ASSault Camp
Camp Santa Man Comet with tree and Santa
Campfire Cove Camp
Camp HOH near the Orgy bus
the tree hugs you when you step on its baseplate!
Camp Pollination
Camp Floveida with zip-tie-node dome and tree
Octopus Garden Camp
Camp Hardlys
Dante's Infurno Room camp
Viking Saloon Utopiaville
Camp OK Korral
¡Bang! Camp
a dream come true for neighbors
a dream come true for neighbors
Camp Gold Dust
Camp Advice and Cheese Palace
Camp Sacred Cow
Dusty Frogz Camp with misting Eiffel Tower
Badlands Bordello Moulin Rouge Camp
Camp Orgy Bus
Frog Camp
Eggs Camp
High Desert Cinema Camp
Holi High Camp portal
Holi High Camp color guns
Invisible Pink Unicorns Camp
At Black Rock City reality gets distorted
Sunset Lounge Camp was pranked
with the DISTRIKTSenior Center
sign added to its arch
which confused everyone looking for DISTRIKT
Camp Coco Poco Loco
Live Bait Camp
Hostel Camp
The Hostel Camp lobby with the revolving door
accessing the rooms for couples, below
The Hostel Camp beds and art exhibit
Ibiza Camp communal space
Ibiza Camp portal
Camp Bobo
Media Mecca
Savage Kingdom Camp
Unnecessarily High Five Camp
Miki Beach Camp
art by Claudia La Bianca
Teddies Camp
Blacklight Rainbow Titea Lounge Camp
Camp 3907 Black Rock City Summit
This Old Camp with useful BRC maps
Never Never Camp and Mission District Camp
Never Never Camp
Earth Guardian Camp
Look at You Camp
look at me!
Camp La Grange
Camp La Grange communal space
Follow the sign for foamy bliss
Maxa Village Camp
home of Maxa Xaman mutant vehicle
home of Maxa Xaman mutant vehicle
Maxa Camp caïdal tents
Plaisance Camp with Octogonal Delta Canopy
Camp with Nomad
Nomad tent with a view to Incendia domes
Shabbat diner table under a Nomad at Node Republik Camp
Metal frame and Aluminet
Blue camouflage net
Big versus small
Large Camp with Camouflage net
Black Rock Travel Agency BRTA
The Hexaplex Hotel camp (ex Space Camp)
Hexayurts and shade
Connected Monkey huts
Monkey Hut Iphone charging station
Large Monkey hut
Camp The Land
Military Quonset hut up in 2 hours by 2 burners
Bucky Dome By Archimedes Basket
Camp Random Pants
Galactic Jungle Camp with Palm trees
Automatic Subconscious camp
inverted catenoïd dome
Tower of Slackjaw
4 domes on top of each other!¡!
Pollination camp
At sunset near walk-in area
Front porch at dusk
Sunset over the trash fence
You are almost a Burner,
one more page
and you can dust off your clothes
Bottom right of this page click Older Posts
Art Installations, Mutant Vehicles and Participants are there
beach canopy
You have captured our city in a way that few can do. THANK YOU for being our documentarian.
Thank you so much! Beautiful work and so comprehensive, brings me home again, Love it!
Hi! I am interested in the book Black Rock City, NV The New Ephemeral Architecture of Burning Man. I´ve sent you 2 messages to the email, but i still haven´t got any answer
thank you very much!
hello Maria, check your spam folder you should find my replies. Anyway you were brave enough to order my book that you will get in few days in Spain, thanks a lot, Philippe
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