Camp at Nectar Village
The Zendo
Looking South with The Hammock Hangout Camp
Camp Meow or Never
Camp Sakenoma metal frame with Aluminet
Camp Sakenoma metal frame
Automatic Subconscious camp
The top of the catenoide dome of Camp Automatic Subconscious
White Ocean Loud Dance camp
Pink Heart Camp
Pink Heart camp
Red Lightning camp
Red Lightning camp
Camp Bubbles and Bass
Camp Bureau of Misinformation along Esplanade
Camp OK wood frame
Media Mecca/Media Circus
Inside the Media Circus Camp
Shift Camp at the beginning
Pandora's Lounge and Fix-it Shoppe
The Lost Hotel aka the Playaforeplay camp
PVC pipe structure of the Pickled Monkey piano bar
The Pickled Monkey piano bar camp
White Bronco Camp
War is Over
The Blight Camp
The Gherkin
The Cove camp
Playa Penthouse
Camp Happy Hour
Happy Hour Camp
Lone Wolf with his camp
Dead Burners camp
Camp Steep Tea Bar
Camp Paradise on the Playa
Camp Pop Corn Palace is open
Stretch fabric shelter
Shade structure with node inspired by Gregg Fleishman
Camp Imagine Nation stretch tent
Camp Nomad white stretch tent
Camp Nomad with the Pink Manta
Line for gifting
Pele Fire Honolulu Camp
Pele Fire Honolulu Camp inflatable
Camp Ideate prefab tiny house
Camp Psyclone
Camp Sideshow
Greeters camp
Red Rubber Tattoo camp
Camp VW with The Neverwas Haul
Camp Mystic
Inside Camp Mystic
Camp Question Mark
Celtic Chaos Camp
Ooligan Airways 737
Ooligan Airways camp
First Camp wood frame and trailers
The Man with members of the TrashKan Marchink Band
Center Camp Café with Becoming Human by Christian Ristow
Becoming Human by Christian Ristow detail
Becoming Human by Christian Ristow detail
Dream Installation by Laura Kimpton built by Jeff Schomberg
More by the Ministry of Random Events
Molecules by Mars-1 (Mario Martinez)
Totem of confessions by Michael Garlington 2015
The Door of Totem of confessions by Michael Garlington

The Temple of Confessions by Michael Garlington with The Life cube Project
Firmament by Christopher Schardt 2015
Temple of Promise by the Dreamers Guild at sunrise
Temple of Promise by the Dreamers Guild
Temple of Promise with the Porch
The Arches of the Temple of Promise by the Dreamers Guild 2015
Extremely powerful testimony about multiple abuses, click on the image to read it, it might bring you to tears, some people are really sick.
Detail of the Arches of the Temple of Promise by The Dreamers Guild
The Temple of Promise by The Dreamers Guild
Prairie Wind Chapel 2015 by Robert Hoehn and the Wind Tribe
Detail of the facade of The Prairie Wind Chapel 2015 by Robert Hoehn and the Wind Tribe
Prairie Wind Chapel Organ 2015 by Robert Hoehn and the Wind Tribe
Table and chairs made of boulders on the 10:00 side
Duality by Guiseppe Palumbo
The Pork Chop Nebula at the Airport
Pinea Arbori by artist Boris Kostov with his crew the Wrench Pirates Maker Club and the collective
BoKo Fine Art
BoKo Fine Art
Installation inside the city
The Dragon Smelter by Danny Macchiarini and crew
The Acolyte from the installation Well Of Darkness by The Iron Monkeys at the 3:00 Plaza
Brainchild by Michael Christian
Brainchild detail by Michael Christian
The Black rock Observatory with Scott Parenteau pods and Gregg Fleishman observatory dome
Air Pusher Collective Mutant Vehicle
Pinata art car in front of Dreamers Playground camp
What is created at Black Rock City stays at Black Rock City
This Barbie Death Camp installation might start a heated conversation in some European countries
In some European countries this installation could be installed in the middle of a commercial plaza.
Soon to be relocated in the garden of the Chateau de Versailles
Lousy transition
Movable art installation
Movable art installation detail
This year these fat tire bikes were everywhere
The next level is electric
Better when it is creative
Year after year, the most sought-after interactive installation in town
After a storm
Even there you can find Jesus
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to replenish your beverage with electrolytes,
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beautiful participants, some abstract and my camp.
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